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Rustat Report on Reconfiguring Careers: Recruitment, Retention and Diversity

On the 21 of September 2018, experts came together to discuss recruitment, retention, and diversity.

We know highly skilled staff are a crucial element of most companies and organisations. Recruiting the right person is a difficult, time-consuming, and expensive task. However, many organisations fail to recruit sufficiently widely, missing out in particular on women, people from ethnic minorities, or people with disabilities. At this Rustat Conference, our experts explored what has been done, what is being done, and what needs to be done to improve the current approaches.

Coming from across sectors and backgrounds, the experts noted that many organisations struggle to be able to retain all the staff they would like to keep as the nature of work and careers shifts. We explored how to find, attract, and keep the best people in light of changing work patterns and places, as well as careers.

About the Rustat Conference Report

A report on the Conference and an Infographic is available here.

We would also like to thank our Rustat Conference Members who kindly support the Conferences and the Reports.

Authors: Jenny Vass and Dr Sarah Steele

Infographic Design: