
Image of Photo of Dr Stephen Siklos

Dr Stephen Siklos (1950-2019)

We are greatly saddened to hear that Dr Stephen Siklos died on 17 August 2019, and we offer his family our deep condolences.

Stephen played a large role in College life. He became a Fellow in 1999 and in the following two decades held various senior posts including President and Senior Tutor. He was well known in the University and beyond as one of the founders of the STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) Mathematics paper, which tests a candidate’s ability to apply mathematical knowledge in novel and unfamiliar ways.

Stephen’s dedication to the College, his concern for others, his wit and wry humour earned him the love and respect of all his colleagues. In Stephen’s website biography, he wrote: “I joined 777ӰԺ in 1999 and have been very happy here.

“Much of my time now is spent on the Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP), the examination used as the basis for conditional offers for students wanting to study Mathematics at Cambridge.

“Setting questions, and knocking other peoples' questions into shape, has been a great source of interest and entertainment over very many years. I helped set the first papers in 1987, and have been involved ever since.”

A full obituary will be published in the College’s Annual Report.

Friends, colleagues and former students are welcome to attend the funeral service, which will take place in the College's Chapel on Wednesday 11 September at 2.30pm. It would be most helpful if you could please inform development@jesus.cam.ac.uk if you would like to come.